高校 1 年生と 3 年生の時にアメリカ・コロラド州にホームステイ。
その後 20 代前半にカナダ・トロントに 2 年留学。
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子供の時に英語を習って?やらされていたのですが小学校3年生に挫折。 中学 3 年生まではひどい成績でした。 小さい時に英語をやらされていた事もあり「発音が良い!」 と中3の時に学校の先生に褒められそこから復活。とっても単純な私。
I’ve been teaching English for 10 years. Obtained J-SHINE (Certificated as an elementary school English teacher) My mother forced me to study English when I was little, but I quit in the 3rd grade. Because of that, I had terrible grades in English up until the 9th grade. One day, my English teacher at school said to me that my pronunciation was pretty good! I felt really happy and started studying English seriously. Easy flattered!!! So I understand students’ feelings about studying English. I am very patient with Jr. High students and can stick with them until My teacher’s life started then. From the bottom of my heart, I am grateful to my parents for letting me learn English when I was little. As for young children I do hope that they will find out the fun of English and expand their world like I did. As for Adults, I do hope for them to realize that it’s never too late to start studying English! |