This is the letter and photos I received from my host sister in Colorado when I was 16, decades ago❣️ This is one of treasures❣️
Looking at this letter and photos, I imagined what fun things were waiting for me and was really excited to go to America❣️ I barely understood English, but I had thick nerves that I wasn't worried❗️ Everything I saw and heard was new and exciting✨ Just as I imagined, I had a great time🩷 I want many children to have the same experience of going abroad❣️
Their worldview will change✨ Their perspective and way of thinking will change✨ They will be able to experience different cultures✨ They will be able to realize that people are kind no matter where they are from✨ They will be able to reaffirm the good things about Japan✨ They will also be able to reaffirm how grateful you are for their family✨